Immediately after welcoming a child into the home, Foster the Family delivers practical necessities to the doorstep of the family.
Our FosterCare Packages include everything a child–from new clothing, pajamas and school supplies to formula, diapers and comfort items–as well as a meal for the entire family.
Foster the Family believes children should be welcomed into homes with dignity and belonging.
Monthly, peer led meetings for foster, adoptive, and kinship moms include a video training and guided, small group discussion.
Our goal is for foster parents to leave feeling equipped, connected, and supported as they care for the children in their homes
Respite Events offer foster parents a block of free child care that includes crafts, games, activities, and dinner in a safe, fun, trauma-informed environment.
All children in the home–ages 0-12–are welcome!
We host small and large events throughout the year to offer connection and fun to foster, adoptive, and kinship families.
Our special events include annual holiday parties, summer gatherings, Mother’s Day dinners, a family-friendly fundraiser, and other special times for families to gather together.
Virtual and in person trainings and workshops provide practical resources and trauma-informed education.
Monthly, in-person meetings provide regular opportunities for connection and community.
Groups are peer-led by caring and experienced foster/adoptive/kinship moms.
Meetings center around guided, small group discussion and mutual support. Each meeting includes a video training on relevant topics from a variety of voices–experts in foster care and trauma; other foster, kinship & adoptive moms, former foster youth, and birth mothers.
Leave feeling equipped, connected, and supported as you love and care for the children in your home!.
Through the 10 years of being a licensed foster mom, Jesse cared for more than 50 precious children, and 2 of them have stayed forever alongside 3 biological siblings. Quickly in this journey, however, she found that she had no support and knew no one in similar situations, and it became one of the loneliest seasons of her life. Because of her own experiences, she is passionate about connecting moms together, fostering a sense of community within the counties served, and providing personal, authentic relationships with other moms to provide them with tangible encouragement and support. Prior to working at Foster the Family, she was a full time stay at home mom, or as she likes to label it – a domestic engineer.
Kiarra has worked with children in various capacities for several years but was unaware of the unique challenges faced by children in foster care. During her undergraduate studies, she took a class that opened her eyes to both the beauty and brokenness of the system and immediately felt compelled to get involved. She is passionate about Trauma-Informed Care, special needs advocacy, and supporting families from a holistic perspective. She desires to help equip the local church and community to engage in foster care support intentionally and effectively.
Kiarra recently completed her master’s degree in Community Development and is grateful to apply that knowledge to her role.